Unreasonable Goals, Unethical Behavior
In a recent Harvard Business Review post, Liane Davey explores the connection between unreasonable objectives and unethical behavior. Sometimes, you face a difficult situation as a team leader. You...
View ArticleRecursive Marginal Quantization of Higher-Order Schemes. (arXiv:1701.02681v1...
Quantization techniques have been applied in many challenging finance applications, including pricing claims with path dependence and early exercise features, stochastic optimal control, filtering...
View ArticleMathematical models describing the effects of different tax evasion...
Microscopic models describing a whole of economic interactions in a closed society are considered. The presence of a tax system combined with a redistribution process is taken into account, as well as...
View ArticleNot-for-Profit Entities, 2016
The 2016 edition provides assistance in the unique preparation, auditing, accounting and reporting of financial statements for not-for-profit entities.read more...
View ArticleEmployee Benefit Plans Industry Developments, 2016: Audit Risk Alert
The increasing complexity of employee benefit plan auditing and increased focus by the DOL have resulted in significant pressure for CPAs and firms performing EBP audits.read more...
View ArticleCodification of Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements: Numbers...
This 2016 edition includes the newly clarified Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements in SSAE No. 18, Attestation Standards: Clarification and Recodification.read more...
View ArticleJanuary 2017 Data Update 2: The Resilience of US Equities!
If asked to list the biggest threats to US equities at the start of 2016, most people would have pointed to the Federal Reserveâs imminent retreat from quantitative easing and the possibility of a...
View ArticlePut Your Shared Norms on the Wall!
I had lunch with the CEO of a major academic medical center today. He mentioned a key aspect of the culture of his top management team. In the conference room they use for weekly meetings, they have...
View ArticleThe Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Positivity and...
A state-of-the-art psychological perspective on positivity and strengths-based approaches at workread more...
View ArticleMentoring in Nursing and Healthcare: Supporting Career and Personal Development
Mentoring in Nursing and Healthcare: Supporting career and personal development is an innovative look into mentoring within nursing, and its implications for career success. It provides an up-to-date...
View ArticleManaging Packaging Design for Sustainable Development: A Compass for...
Packaging design is a powerful vehicle for making our lives friendlier, our planet greener and our businesses richer. It is an essential link between the producer and the customer, where it contributes...
View ArticleThe structural constraints of income inequality in Latin America....
Recent work has shown that a country's productive structure constrains its level of economic growth and income inequality. In this paper, we compare the productive structure of countries in Latin...
View ArticleParallelizing Computation of Expected Values in Recombinant Binomial Trees....
Recombinant binomial trees are binary trees where each non-leaf node has two child nodes, but adjacent parents share a common child node. Such trees arise in finance when pricing an option. For...
View ArticleInfrastructure conference in Westminster Tuesday 24th
A new organisation called NEKS (for âNew Economic Knowledge Servicesâ, see www.neks.ltd) is holding its inaugural conference on the economics of infrastructure In Westminster on Tuesday January...
View ArticleThe Quest for Parsimony in Behavioral Economics: New Methods and Evidence on...
Behavioral economics identifies myriad deviations from classical economic assumptions about consumer decision-making, but lacks evidence on how its diverse phenomena fit together and whether they are...
View ArticleThe Economic Origins of Conflict in Africa -- by Eoin McGuirk, Marshall Burke
We study the impact of plausibly exogenous global food price shocks on local violence across the African continent. In food-producing areas, higher food prices reduce conflict over the control of...
View ArticlePledgeability, Industry Liquidity, and Financing Cycles -- by Douglas W....
Why are downturns following prolonged episodes of high valuations of firms so severe and long? Why do firms promise high external payments when they anticipate high valuations, and underperform...
View ArticleEffects of Maternal Work Incentives on Youth Crime -- by Hope Corman, Dhaval...
This study exploits differences in the implementation of welfare reform across states and over time to identify causal effects of maternal work incentives, and by inference employment, on youth arrests...
View ArticleImperfect Markets versus Imperfect Regulation in U.S. Electricity Generation...
This paper measures changes in electricity generation costs caused by the introduction of market mechanisms to determine output decisions in service areas that were previously using...
View ArticleRelated Investing: Corporate Ownership and Capital Mobilization during Early...
Scholars engage in extensive debate about the role of families and corporations in economic growth. Some propose that personal ties provide a mechanism for overcoming such transactions costs as...
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